
Belly Fat Diet

The stomach area is the most common place we put weight on but it can also be one of the hardest places to lose weight from. Belly fat is also one of the most deadly area to put fat on because it can increase your chances of having heart disease, diabetes, dementia and even certain types of cancer.
There are a few ways to get rid of that stubborn hard to lose mid section and the belly fat diet is one of them. The belly fat diet is a new break through in science that has been tried and tested with very exciting results. It’s not really a diet but a more responsible way of eating and eating the right foods.
There are foods that we can eat that actually aid the body to burn fat, some of the foods are what many actually thought where to be bad for us. What if I told you that you can lose that flabby belly by eating more, yes you heard me right there are certain foods out there that actually fight belly fat and also lower things like cholesterol.
What if I told you that chocolate is one of these fat eating foods? You would most likely think that I’m talking rubbish but in actual fact Dark chocolate (has to be dark chocolate) IS a fat burning food.
Some other foods in this stomach fat diet are foods like nuts and seeds, olives, avocados, olive oils, flack seed oils and also certain drinks like iced tea can aid with weight lose. If you enjoy eating this is a great diet because its recommended that you eat every 4 hours and by eating one or some of these fat burning foods each meal your sure to start losing that flabby belly.
Eating smaller meals ever 4 or so hours trains our metabolism to work faster, burning fat faster as well. Along with all the good nutrition these foods provide, they are actually quite tasty. Lets look at some of the foods mentioned -
Fat Burning Foods Video
An avocado is high in potassium, rich in vitamin b, e and k and they also contain a high amount of fibre and the good fat (monounsaturated fat) that the body needs to boost metabolism and help reduce cholesterol.
Almonds and Nuts 
Almonds are a great source of vitamin E and they are also rich in monounsaturated fats. They can improve movement of food through the colon and by eating a handful of almonds and a glass of water also tricks your stomach into being full.
Olives are high in iron, vitamin E, fibre and they also contain the good type of fat as well - monounsaturated fats.
That’s just a run down on some of the fat burning foods in the belly fat diet that help boost your metabolism and aid the body in burning fat. It is also recommended to drink plenty of water, exercise and keep a journal of the foods you eat, and the calories the foods contain. To lose weight we must also burn off the calories we absorb during the day.
It’s important to find the right program that suits you and your life style. I always try and aim for 2 fruit and 5 vegetables a day, a serve of chicken or lean meat and with each meal I try and eat one of the fat burning foods mentioned above along with plenty glasses of water.