Everybody has a six pack it’s just some of us are better at hiding them than others. If you can’t see your six pack or ab muscles then chances are you have to many layers of fat.
This article is on the best abs exercises that blast those layers of fat so your six pack stands out and looks great. Before I go on and talk about these ab exercises it’s important to understand that doing ab exercises alone is not the solution. We also need a healthy diet, strength training along with some cardio and stretching.
Now the best workouts you can do for your abdominal muscles are done with your own body weight. Exercises like sit ups, knee ups and crunches are great because you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on expensive ab machines.
Here are my personal top 5 workouts you can do for your abdominal muscles -
1. Sit ups
2. Crunches
3. Reverse Crunch
4. Vertical Ab Crunch
5. Bicycle Manoeuvres
2. Crunches
3. Reverse Crunch
4. Vertical Ab Crunch
5. Bicycle Manoeuvres
Instead of writing out an article on how to do the best ab exercises I’m going to point you to the best abs burning program on the net which has diagrams, in depth info and the truth about abs. I honestly can not recommend this program enough because it explains everything you need to know and more about how you can have those sexy six pack abs fast!.
Once you have lost those layers of stubborn belly fat then your six pack will show and you will feel great about your body. Imagine going to the beach or swimming pool and having the confidence to take your shirt off or wear that 2 peice bikini showing off those abs for everyone to see.
For an even more intense workout for your stomach then you can start doing exercises with extra weights and resistance. Let me tell you now that you do not need to do thousands of sit ups to have a flat tummy or a six pack. Instead you just need to lose those layers of fat thats hiding them. Good luck and happy training.