Reviewed By: Allan Rose
SHOCKING!! Read My Truth About Abs Review And Find Out What it Did To My Body!

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I think I searched high and low about Mike Geary and his famous Truth About Abs Program just to dig up some dirt and see if it was a scam or total BS, but I couldn’t find any bad feedback at all so I just went ahead and bought it.
(QUICK TIP: If your ever thinking about buying something online do a search on it because there are scammers out there in the world of the internet..)
This however was no scam! I’m going to split this review up to make it easier to read and write some positive and negative comments about it so read on or skip to what you want to read about -
My Negative Truth About Abs Review
When I first bought the truth about abs program I expected to see a heap of new ab workouts but the exercises in the eBook was nothing new.
When I first bought the truth about abs program I expected to see a heap of new ab workouts but the exercises in the eBook was nothing new.
I totally expected something different but the exercises shown are pretty much old news, and I guess the reason for this is because they work.
Of course Mike shows you how and when you should perform these exercises and what you should eat so it nothing to bad I guess.
Although I didn’t mind the eBook I would of really loved this if it was in like a video format. I’m more of a watch and learn type of person but the pictures in the eBook kind of made up for it and it wasn’t that bad of a read actually.
I like to print things out so I can follow it offline as well but 149 pages with pictures really put my printer to work. My advice to you to solve this problem is to print it out in sections. Work out how much you can read and then print out the rest later on.
My Positive Truth About Abs Review
Now I really suck at understanding and following guides like this but I found this one pretty easy to follow and I did learn a lot. What I found with Mike Geary’s Truth About Abs Program is that there is no real fluff or BS it’s pretty much straight to the point.
Now I really suck at understanding and following guides like this but I found this one pretty easy to follow and I did learn a lot. What I found with Mike Geary’s Truth About Abs Program is that there is no real fluff or BS it’s pretty much straight to the point.
The eBook is really well written with coloured diagrams of real humans demonstrating each workout and it’s designed for everyone, and I mean everyone because my teenage brother read it and understood it and he’s dumber than me lol(sorry bro)
The other thing I really enjoyed about this eBook was Mike Geary teaches you how to workout your abs with free weights and techniques that require NO expensive equipment which was good for me because I don’t have all that much money and I can’t use most equipment because of my bad back.
The eBook is 149-pages and it is all totally worth the read and the money because before I bought it I didn’t know half of what I know now. Boy was I doing things wrong before.
This might seem funny to you or it might even sound familiar to what you have been doing - I used to do 500-800 sit ups almost every day thinking that was all I needed. To think of all that time I wasted and all the effort that was going down the drain.
At the time I bought the program I got like 3 bonuses which was really cool because M-Power Fast-Fitness audios(a bonus) was amazing. Actually all up I think the bonuses where worth something like over $200 and you get them for FREE!! Pretty neat In my opinion.
So Did It The Truth About Abs Work For Me and What Happened to my Body?
Ok before I brag about my new six pack abs I’m going to be totally honest with you! If your after a super fast short cut to get abs in like 2 weeks or your after like a lazy mans guide to get six pack abs this is not the program for you.
Ok before I brag about my new six pack abs I’m going to be totally honest with you! If your after a super fast short cut to get abs in like 2 weeks or your after like a lazy mans guide to get six pack abs this is not the program for you.
Also this might shock you because results will vary - I’m going to tell you what I noticed about my stomach after following it for 9months. I’m not sure if it’s just my body or the way my abs are but I didn’t just get a six pack I got an eight pack.
I’m dead serious my stomach looks freaky in an awesome way cause all my mates and the ladies drool over it.
If you want 6 pack abs and your thinking about buying Mike Geary’s Truth About Abs program - DO IT! Because It is totally worth it and it works.
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UPDATE: Since I bought Mike Geary's Truth About Abs He Has Added More Bonuses(For A LIMITED Time Only) Buy it Now and Get a Free DVD "The 5 Keys to Guaranteed Fat Loss", the exlusive free membership site for support where I can even chat live with World Famous Trainer from The Biggest Loser, Kim Lyons... and also my 4 free motivational Fast-Fitness audios.