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Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat

There are desperate people looking for the fastest way to lose belly fat.  Most overweight people know that the only legitimate way to lose belly fat is to lower calories and increase exercise.  Yet we still fall for the latest quick-weight-loss diet and gadgets that promise to give us six-pack abs in seven days.  The fastest way to lose belly fat is still follow a plan and stay on track.
How fast does belly fat have to disappear for people to be satisfied?  When you think about how long it took to gain the belly fat, then 6 months to a year to take it off is really not long at all.  We will discuss several tips that, when combined, may prove to be the fastest way to lose belly fat for good.

Tip #1 – Reduce refined sugar from your diet.

White sugar and the products that contain sugar spike insulin levels.  Excess insulin is turned into fat, especially belly fat or visceral fat.   The best alternative for sugar is stevia.

Tip #2 – Substitute refined flour for wheat or whole grain.

White flour products do the same thing as white sugar products.  It wreaks havoc on insulin levels and we know that excess insulin is turned into excess fat.  White flour has very little nutritional value.  Good substitutes are wheat flour, oat flour, amaranth flour, and rice flour.

Tip #3 – Concentrate on losing fat all over your body rather than just belly fat.

If you want to know the fastest way to lose belly fat don’t concentrate on just belly fat.  Though people tend to lose visceral fat at the beginning of their weight loss program using some foods that burn belly fat , more thorough body fat loss should be your goal.  The fastest way to lose belly fat includes this step.

Tip# 4 – Eat plenty of the right kind of fruits.

Fruits are high in essential vitamins and minerals.  They are also high in fiber and break down slowly into glucose (sugar) to reduce the possibility of excess insulin.  Make sure you know the fruits that are high in sugar and eat them occasionally.  The fastest way to lose belly fat includes a diet including fruits.

Tip #5 – Eat plenty of vegetables.

Most vegetables are high in fiber, contain complex carbohydrates, and are rich in vitamins and minerals.  Lettuce, cabbage, celery, broccoli, and brussel sprouts are some of the best vegetables and the best foods that burn belly fat .  Check the glycemic index of vegetables since some of them, such as corn, break down to glucose in the body at a faster rate than others.

Tip #6 – Drink plenty of water.

One of the fastest ways to lose belly fat is to drink plenty of water.  Water is essential for burning fat faster and flushing it out the system.  Drinking a glass of water can immediately stop hunger pangs and flush toxins out of the system.  The correct amount of water to drink every day is half your body weight in ounces.  For example, if you weigh 200 pounds then you need to drink 100 ounces of water a day.

Tip #7 – Dairy products help burn belly fat.

Low-fat or non-fat dairy products help burn belly fat, especially plain yogurt.  If you are lactose intolerant try using soy milk or almond milk.
These seven tips and many others put you on the road to discovering the fastest way to lose belly fat.


How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Anyone with unsightly belly fat wants to know how to lose belly fat fast.  Consumers are bombarded with all kinds of fad diets and exercise gadgets that are supposed to help them lose belly fat in the fastest time possible.  However, they find that without eating the right foods and exercise there are no shortcuts to losing belly fat.  Consumers that know how to lose belly fat fast will be ready to go when it is time to go to the beach in the summer.

How is belly fat formed?

High insulin levels cause belly fat, also called visceral fat.  High insulin levels cause high blood sugar and store excess insulin as fat.  Most of this fat is stored on the abdomen in a thick layer.  When insulin levels return to normal over a long period of time, belly fat begins to melt first from the belly area and then all over the body.  There are ways to accelerate this process but it won’t happen overnight.  Eating the right foods that burn belly fat , doing the right exercises, and drinking plenty of water are the three things that will help burn belly fat.  To understand how to lose belly fat fast, you need to know how belly fat is formed.

Eating the Right Foods

Winning this fight  starts with the right foods that burn belly fat.  The American diet is full of sugar and refined carbohydrates.  The foods we eat are easy and convenient but they’re also without any nutritional value.  We have traded good nutrition for good taste and ease of preparation.

High-fiber complex carbohydrates are the best foods to burn belly fat because of how they work in the body.  When high-fiber complex carbohydrates are eaten they keep insulin levels even and supply the body with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.  Complex carbohydrates include brown rice, oatmeal, multigrain and oat bran breads, fruits, berries, legumes, lentil,s and beans.  Omega-3 oils are found in olives and olive oil, wild-caught salmon, sardines, scallops, avocado, nuts and seeds.  Other helpful foods include dark chocolate, citrus fruits, wine and tea, especially green tea, are also considered some of the best belly fat burning foods.  Learning how to lose belly fat fast includes knowing the right foods.


The only way to eliminate fat from the body is to burn more calories than are taken in.  When you want to know how to burn belly fat fast exercise is a major part of the process and can speed up fat loss.  Cardiovascular exercise helps burn calories which in turn burns fat.  It increases energy naturally and suppresses hunger.  If you want to know how to lose belly fat fast, you need to know what exercises to complete.

Drinking Water

If you drink water only when you’re thirsty you do your body a great disservice.   If you want to know how to lose belly fat fast, water is one of your best weapons.  There is absolutely no substitute for water.
The old adage that everyone should drink 8 glasses of water a day is not true.  In order to take in the right amount of water, take half of your body weight and turn it into ounces.  For example, if you weigh 150 pounds you would drink 75 ounces of water per day.  Many people mistake needing more water for hunger.
Sticking to a diet rich in the right foods that burn belly fat , exercise and lot of water for a few months is the answer to how to lose belly fat fast.  Learning how to lose belly fat fast is an ongoing process, but it can pay huge dividends once you understand the process.

To your success!
Have a great week!


Lose Belly Fat Fast

the best methods known to lose weight fast - articles, facts and damn good resources!
Hi everyone,
If your trying to lose weight and rid that stubborn belly fat then your in luck because I have put this website together for those who want to lose belly fat fast. It's for those who have tried to do everything right but for some reason are not getting any results, it's for those who have maybe tried diets that take over your life you know the ones with all those boring foods, yet still not losing the weight you would like to.
Let's face it, for many of us losing weight is really really hard! But there are good reasons for this. For those who struggle may know they want to lose weight but just dont know where to start. For some they have tried all kinds of diets, spent lots of money on gym memberships and fitness equiptment but just really struggle to lose that fat because there is a good chance they are doing something wrong or they are doing it right but its not the action plan for them.
The most important part of this website is to actually help you not only to make you look better but because belly fat is one of the most dangorous of areas to put weight on. I'm talking about all those nasty side effects like heart disease, high cholestorel and some cancers, which I have actually lost good friends and family to.
On fatburningexercises you will find lots of informative articles, very helpful links and if you join my mailing list/newsletter you will also get my hottest tips and fat burning resources absolutely FREE! All of which have not only helped me but lots of friends, family and people just like you. 
You will find the facts on all kinds of really cool stuff that will blow you away, like some of the foods we thought where bad for us actually turned out to be foods that help burn fat, provide other really good nutritional value and some of them help prevent nasty diseases like heart disease. I will point you to some really intersting video presentations just like this one -
Click Here To Watch The Diet Solution Programs Video Presentation
You will also find some good articles and resources on how to get motivated and stay motivated so you can achieve your weight lose goals and get that body you've always wanted.
Now before you read on and start obsorbing all this fat burning info I really recommend you sign up to my 6 day mini course where you will recieve insider tips on how to lose weight the right way it's free and all you have to do is sign up. Some of the info in my 6 day course is so valuable and informative that I have actually been told from people that I should write an ebook and charge them money for it. But Im a genourus kinda person and I know how hard it is to battle against weight issues myself.

Best Fat Burning Programs

Best Over All Belly Fat Burning Program -
Mike Geary : Truth About Abs Review
(598 Votes)

This is a must have program if you are serious about your six pack abs. Why? Because not only was it voted number 1 best selling health and fitness ebook on clickbank but its rapidly becoming one of the best ab burning programs on the net.

More fat burning products below 

The Diet Solution Program 
(527 Votes)
Isabel De Los Rios is a nutrition and exercise specialist with 10 years of experience helping clients reach their ideal weight and tackle conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Her Diet Solution Program is now one of the most recognized dieting solutions on the internet.
Click Here To For More On Isabel's Diet Solution Program
Fat Loss 4 Idiots
(358 Votes)
Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a unique program in that it allows one to continue eating their favorite foods, just in unusual combinations, and does not ask a person to deprive himself/herself in any way.

There you have my three most recommended products. I will be writing some reviews on the worst fat burning programs very soon. You may have seen links to these programs through out my site and with good reason, they are the best on the net in my honest opinion.
If you have already gone on one of these fat burning programs mentioned above and would like to send in some feedback for others to read please email me here
As I will be making a page for reader reviews.
In time once I review more programs and diets I will be adding them to the site. I wish you all the best and hope you like the programs I recommend as much as I did.
Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter so you can get my latest updates, weight loss tips and your FREE copy of the Training and Nutrition Guide. To sign up please add your name and email address in the fields top left of the page.

Belly Fat Exercises

When exercising the stomach area It is always essential to know how to perform the exercises properly so you don’t cause injury. When doing belly fat exercises wrong you could be wasting your time and effort as well, so it is important to do them properly.
To lose weight around the mid section so we have a flat tummy we must eliminate those layers of stubborn belly fat, you know the car tyre around our gut some of use have. To do this we must do a few things - Exercise, eat healthy foods and have a good nutritional diet, do strength training and drink plenty of water.
I also personally like to tell people that it’s important maintain good posture which can be done by sucking in your stomach, straightening your back and lifting your head high. Its also good to train our minds to understand how our body works. Every body has abdominal muscles its just a matter of getting rid of those layers of fat to show them.
Now here are some good abdominal exercises you can do to tighten your belly and burn calories -
Sit ups and crunches
By doing sit ups, crunches, leg lifts and other ab workouts your strengthening your abdominal muscles and toning them. Doing sit ups and crunches alone will not get you the results you need to lose belly fat but when you do lose your mid section performing these exercises will definitely pay off.
Jogging is great cardio and by doing cardio we burn calories. Unused calories are stored as fat so we must do cardio to prevent calories turning into fat. Going for a jog can have lots of benefits and its fun.
Skipping or jumping rope is also another belly fat burner. It helps you get fit, burn calories and its also fun to do as well.
Yoga For Belly Fat Exercises
Yoga is another great way to lose stomach fat because it helps stretch the body, helps you breathe correctly and it releases stress to help do other belly exercise. Yoga can also strengthen our core.
Swimming for Weight Lose
Swimming laps in a pool can certainly help burn calories so you lose that weight around your tummy. If its to cold to swim outside you maybe lucky enough to have a heated pool in your area or town.
Ok so there are some really good ways to beat that stubborn belly fat away.

Belly Fat Diet

The stomach area is the most common place we put weight on but it can also be one of the hardest places to lose weight from. Belly fat is also one of the most deadly area to put fat on because it can increase your chances of having heart disease, diabetes, dementia and even certain types of cancer.
There are a few ways to get rid of that stubborn hard to lose mid section and the belly fat diet is one of them. The belly fat diet is a new break through in science that has been tried and tested with very exciting results. It’s not really a diet but a more responsible way of eating and eating the right foods.
There are foods that we can eat that actually aid the body to burn fat, some of the foods are what many actually thought where to be bad for us. What if I told you that you can lose that flabby belly by eating more, yes you heard me right there are certain foods out there that actually fight belly fat and also lower things like cholesterol.
What if I told you that chocolate is one of these fat eating foods? You would most likely think that I’m talking rubbish but in actual fact Dark chocolate (has to be dark chocolate) IS a fat burning food.
Some other foods in this stomach fat diet are foods like nuts and seeds, olives, avocados, olive oils, flack seed oils and also certain drinks like iced tea can aid with weight lose. If you enjoy eating this is a great diet because its recommended that you eat every 4 hours and by eating one or some of these fat burning foods each meal your sure to start losing that flabby belly.
Eating smaller meals ever 4 or so hours trains our metabolism to work faster, burning fat faster as well. Along with all the good nutrition these foods provide, they are actually quite tasty. Lets look at some of the foods mentioned -
Fat Burning Foods Video
An avocado is high in potassium, rich in vitamin b, e and k and they also contain a high amount of fibre and the good fat (monounsaturated fat) that the body needs to boost metabolism and help reduce cholesterol.
Almonds and Nuts 
Almonds are a great source of vitamin E and they are also rich in monounsaturated fats. They can improve movement of food through the colon and by eating a handful of almonds and a glass of water also tricks your stomach into being full.
Olives are high in iron, vitamin E, fibre and they also contain the good type of fat as well - monounsaturated fats.
That’s just a run down on some of the fat burning foods in the belly fat diet that help boost your metabolism and aid the body in burning fat. It is also recommended to drink plenty of water, exercise and keep a journal of the foods you eat, and the calories the foods contain. To lose weight we must also burn off the calories we absorb during the day.
It’s important to find the right program that suits you and your life style. I always try and aim for 2 fruit and 5 vegetables a day, a serve of chicken or lean meat and with each meal I try and eat one of the fat burning foods mentioned above along with plenty glasses of water.

The Diet For Idiots - A Easy To Follow Dieting Plan

If your anything like me then you find it hard to follow things like instructions and how to guides. I’m going to introduce you to the diet for idiots that anyone can follow.
Just because the name says idiot in it, this does not mean you’re an idiot if you go on it. The diet for idiots or also known as Fat Loss 4 Idiots is one of my favourite dieting plans I have ever read.
Not only is it easy to read and follow but it is also very fun unlike most diets. It kind of makes counting calories fun. Now that might sound a little strange but it is actually true.
For me I found it hard on other diet programs because no one really explained how to count calories so I would understand it! Fat Loss 4 Idiots was so simple and I think this is why I also had so much success with it.
This diet for idiots or diet for people with difficult understanding normal plans actually helped me lose what it promised I would lose. They set a goal for you to lose 9lbs in 11 days.
The 11 days is a little intense but it gets easier as the days go by. After 11 days it lets you eat pretty much what ever you like for 3 days.
Personally I found most take away foods didn’t taste as nice as what it used to which to me is a bonus because take away foods are the reason I put on weight to start with. It is good being able to reward yourself after the 11 days but.
You can read more about this diet for idiots on the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review page. My good friend Amanda wrote out a nice review of the program because she also had great results for being on their plan.
So if your anything like me and your looking for an idiot proof diet plan that’s easy to follow, fun and you get to reward yourself for doing it then follow this link -
I promise you will actually learn more about how to diet and how to live healthier on this program if you have had problems following other diets.
Remember Your Not An Idiot and You Can Lose Weight Like Everyone Else!!