
Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat

There are desperate people looking for the fastest way to lose belly fat.  Most overweight people know that the only legitimate way to lose belly fat is to lower calories and increase exercise.  Yet we still fall for the latest quick-weight-loss diet and gadgets that promise to give us six-pack abs in seven days.  The fastest way to lose belly fat is still follow a plan and stay on track.
How fast does belly fat have to disappear for people to be satisfied?  When you think about how long it took to gain the belly fat, then 6 months to a year to take it off is really not long at all.  We will discuss several tips that, when combined, may prove to be the fastest way to lose belly fat for good.

Tip #1 – Reduce refined sugar from your diet.

White sugar and the products that contain sugar spike insulin levels.  Excess insulin is turned into fat, especially belly fat or visceral fat.   The best alternative for sugar is stevia.

Tip #2 – Substitute refined flour for wheat or whole grain.

White flour products do the same thing as white sugar products.  It wreaks havoc on insulin levels and we know that excess insulin is turned into excess fat.  White flour has very little nutritional value.  Good substitutes are wheat flour, oat flour, amaranth flour, and rice flour.

Tip #3 – Concentrate on losing fat all over your body rather than just belly fat.

If you want to know the fastest way to lose belly fat don’t concentrate on just belly fat.  Though people tend to lose visceral fat at the beginning of their weight loss program using some foods that burn belly fat , more thorough body fat loss should be your goal.  The fastest way to lose belly fat includes this step.

Tip# 4 – Eat plenty of the right kind of fruits.

Fruits are high in essential vitamins and minerals.  They are also high in fiber and break down slowly into glucose (sugar) to reduce the possibility of excess insulin.  Make sure you know the fruits that are high in sugar and eat them occasionally.  The fastest way to lose belly fat includes a diet including fruits.

Tip #5 – Eat plenty of vegetables.

Most vegetables are high in fiber, contain complex carbohydrates, and are rich in vitamins and minerals.  Lettuce, cabbage, celery, broccoli, and brussel sprouts are some of the best vegetables and the best foods that burn belly fat .  Check the glycemic index of vegetables since some of them, such as corn, break down to glucose in the body at a faster rate than others.

Tip #6 – Drink plenty of water.

One of the fastest ways to lose belly fat is to drink plenty of water.  Water is essential for burning fat faster and flushing it out the system.  Drinking a glass of water can immediately stop hunger pangs and flush toxins out of the system.  The correct amount of water to drink every day is half your body weight in ounces.  For example, if you weigh 200 pounds then you need to drink 100 ounces of water a day.

Tip #7 – Dairy products help burn belly fat.

Low-fat or non-fat dairy products help burn belly fat, especially plain yogurt.  If you are lactose intolerant try using soy milk or almond milk.
These seven tips and many others put you on the road to discovering the fastest way to lose belly fat.