Does it work? Read my review for my shocking results.
Reviewed By: Amanda Tilman |
Website Link : Fat Loss 4 Idiots |

Before I found Fat Loss 4 Idiots I spent just over $97 on 2 so called diet programs that turned out to be absolute rubbish, so you could imagine how sceptical I was before dipping into my purse again.
I bought both the diet plan(normal Fat Loss 4 Idiots Guide) and the BEYOND CALORIES dieting system which was an extra add on for only $16.95 at the time. I’m a bit of a sucker when I see extra offers. But the $16.95 ended up being well worth it because the beyond calories dieting system helped me understand some things I didn’t know about like calorie shifting.
This is a positive review because I had an easy time following the plan and it’s like no other diet plan I have tried. The other reason I’m giving such a positive review is because I had good results surprisingly fast.
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There was a few things that I didn’t like about Fat Loss 4 Idiots but nothing really worth complaining about, such things like it was a little to easy to read and some of the diagrams in the ebook where a little childish but it was very educational at the same time.
In a way fat loss 4 idiots have a diet plan for everyone which was great for me because I got my husband in on this as well and he is a vegetarian. I was surprised my husband liked the diet as well because he also tried some meal plans a personal trainer gave him but they didn’t work because he is a fussy eater.
If your down and out or you feel like nothing else has worked for you then I strongly recommend you try out this program because I believe if it helped me and my husband then it will help you. Hopefully you can get as excited like I do every time I check those scales and see I have lost weight.
Here is what you get after you purchase Fat Loss 4 Idiots and the Beyond Calories Diet System -
45 page Diet Handbook That Shows You How to Lose 9lbs every 11 Days.
Unlimited Access to The FatLoss4Idiots meal generator.
Beyond Calories - Which Shows unique secrets and tricks to lose weight FAST