
Low Carb Dieting

I’m sure you’ve heard about carbohydrates and calories before but have you heard the facts about low carb dieting? If your thinking about going on a low carbohydrate diet then there are a lot of things you will need to know, especially the health issues that are involved if done wrong. Please read on.
Everybody needs carbohydrates its what fuels our body for energy, just like a car needs fuel to run we need carbs and carbs are our fuel. When a car runs out of fuel the car stops and this is pretty much the same with us humans.
There have been a lot of positive results from people who have gone on a short term low carb diet plan, but from my research there has not been enough studies for the health risks that may be involved in long term low carb dieting. Things like Nutritional Deficiencies like vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients depletion pop into mind.
So is lowering our carb intake a good way to lose weight? In my opinion for now it looks like low carbs dieting will give you positive results but a healthy plan is needed. One diet plan I can recommend is The Diet Solution Plan -
Now Basically we need to change our daily eating habits and minimise the consumption of carbohydrates and the excessive intake of unhealthy high sugar and high carb food. You may of heard of such diets like the Atkins Diet Plan and other calorie counting diets.
Many have claimed to have lost as much as 10 to 30 pounds on the first month of the Atkins diet. I will be writing an article about the Atkins diet very soon but you can do some research yourself if you wish.
To make sure your body is still getting the right nutrients when low carb dieting you may also want to look into some supplements like multi vitamins. Before going on any kind of diet it is recommended to visit your doctor.